
new payment investigation platform
“UniCredit considers API strategy the key to answering market needs in a fast and secure way. Through onStage API Management they expose their back end system both internally and to the business process management thus improving governance and SLA of the entire system.”
UniCredit is a major international financial institution with strong roots in 22 European countries and their international network is present in approximately 50 markets, with 9,578 branches and more than 162,000 employees. UniCredit’s strength lies in their financial expertise, their extraordinary service and their solid commitment to enable individuals and corporate customers to successfully meet their financial goals.
The challenge
The BPM of UniCredit was realized using PEGA to access diverse legacy systems through Web Services. Because the back office services were not WS, UniCredit needed a tool that would convert the calls made from the web interface to the back office services. The interface consists of a front-office app that needs to call the WS.
The solution
With onStage they orchestrated all incoming data from legacy systems even the data not homogeneous or unrelated.
The results
Since the original implementation UniCredit has had the need to expand their interface due to internal requirements and was able to do so without waiting for the underlying services to be updated. This is a classic example of a bimodal approach, where each additional functionality you need to implement, can be implemented immediately.